threat intelligence tools tryhackme walkthrough

by on April 8, 2023

Additionally, it explains how frameworks such as Mitre ATT&CK and Tiber-EU can be used to map the TTPs of the adversary to known cyber kill chains. Zero-Day Exploit: A vulnerability discovered in a system or carefully crafted exploit which does not have a released software patch and there has not been a specific use of this particular exploit. The answers to these questions can be found in the Alert Logs above. Start off by opening the static site by clicking the green View Site Button. Once the chain is complete and you have received the flag, submit it below. It will cover the concepts of Threat Intelligence and various open-source tools that are useful. Click on the firefox icon. To mitigate against risks, we can start by trying to answer a few simple questions: Threat Intel is geared towards understanding the relationship between your operational environment and your adversary. Platform Rankings. It is a research project hosted by the Institute for Cybersecurity and Engineering at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. The learning objectives include: Understanding the basics of. We can use these hashes to check on different sites to see what type of malicious file we could be dealing with. Furthermore, it explains that there are intelligence platforms and frameworks such as ISAC that can provide this information. King of the Hill. These tools often use artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data from a variety of sources, including social media, the dark web, and public databases. Follow along so that if you arent sure of the answer you know where to find it. TechniquePurposeExamplesReconnaissanceObtain information about the victim and the tactics used for the attack.Harvesting emails, OSINT, and social media, network scansWeaponisationMalware is engineered based on the needs and intentions of the attack.Exploit with backdoor, malicious office documentDeliveryCovers how the malware would be delivered to the victims system.Email, weblinks, USBExploitationBreach the victims system vulnerabilities to execute code and create scheduled jobs to establish persistence.EternalBlue, Zero-Logon, etc.InstallationInstall malware and other tools to gain access to the victims system.Password dumping, backdoors, remote access trojansCommand & ControlRemotely control the compromised system, deliver additional malware, move across valuable assets and elevate privileges.Empire, Cobalt Strike, etc.Actions on ObjectivesFulfil the intended goals for the attack: financial gain, corporate espionage, and data exfiltration.Data encryption, ransomware, public defacement. On the right-hand side of the screen, we are presented with the Plaintext and Source details of the email. Humanity is far into the fourth industrial revolution whether we know it or not. Access a machine with the security tools you'll need through the browser, and starting learning from anywhere at any time. This is the first step of the CTI Process Feedback Loop. The primary goal of CTI is to understand the relationship between your operational environment and your adversary and how to defend your environment against any attacks. With this in mind, we can break down threat intel into the following classifications: is a free service developed to assist in scanning and analysing websites. When you select an intelligence entity, the details are presented to the user through: Using the search bar type Cobalt Strike into it and press enter. As an analyst, you can search through the database for domains, URLs, hashes and filetypes that are suspected to be malicious and validate your investigations. Any PC, Computer, Smart device (Refridgerator, doorbell, camera) which has an IPv4 or IPv6 is likely accessible from the public net. On the Alert log we see a name come up a couple times, this person is the victim to the initite attack and the answer to this question. Q.11: What is the name of the program which dispatches the jobs? The email address that is at the end of this alert is the email address that question is asking for. It provides defined relationships between sets of threat info such as observables, indicators, adversary TTPs, attack campaigns, and more. Once the information aggregation is complete, security analysts must derive insights. You will see two panels in the middle of the screen, the panel on the right is the Details panel and the one you want to focus on. The tool also provides feeds associated with country, AS number and Top Level Domain that an analyst can generate based on specific search needs. The reader then needs to map the TTPs to layers in the cyber kill chain. This is achieved by providing a database of the C&C servers that security analysts can search through and investigate any suspicious IP addresses they have come across. As displayed below, we can look at the Triton Software report published by MITRE ATT&CK and observe or add to the details provided. Go back to the bar at the bottom of the VM and click the button to exit splitscreen. The United States and Spain have jointly announced the development of a new tool to help the capacity building to fight ransomware. Technical elements, detection rules and artefacts identified during a cyber attack are listed under this tab: one or several identifiable makeup indicators. Email stack integration with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. It was developed to identify and track malware and botnets through several operational platforms developed under the project. Using Ciscos Talos Intelligence platform for intel gathering. Type ioc: in the search box. This answer can be found under the Summary section, if you look towards the end. How many Command and Control techniques are employed by Carbanak? Talos confirms what we found on VirusTotal, the file is malicious. Email phishing is one of the main precursors of any cyber attack. On OpenCTI this is where you can find it. What is the customer name of the IP address? Use the tool and skills learnt on this task to answer the questions. Room Link : Task 1 : Introduction to MITRE For those that are new to the cybersecurity field, you probably never heard of MITRE. seeks to elevate the perception of phishing as a severe form of attack and provide a responsive means of email security. * Live TV. How would I navigate through the platform? We shall mainly focus on the Community version and the core features in this task. You will see Arsenal in grey close to the bottom, click on it. Like this, you can use multiple open source tools for the analysis.. What is the listed domain of the IP address from the previous task? You must obtain details from each email to triage the incidents reported. As we can see, VirusTotal has detected that it is malicious. It is used to automate the process of browsing and crawling through websites to record activities and interactions. SIEMs are valuable tools for achieving this and allow quick parsing of data. Q.3: Which dll file was used to create the backdoor? We give you all the tools you need to start learning. What is the name of the new recommended patch release? You have finished these tasks and can now move onto Task 6 Investigative Scenario & Task 7 Room Conclusion. It is a free service developed to assist in scanning and analysing websites. The answer is under the TAXII section, the answer is both bullet point with a and inbetween. This has given us some great information!!! How many Mitre Attack techniques were used?Ans : 17, 13. Access the room :, Task 1 : Understanding a Threat Intelligence blog post on a recent attack. There is a terminal on the screen, if you have read through this, press enter to close it. Use the details on the image to answer the questions-. As part of the dissemination phase of the lifecycle, CTI is also distributed to organisations using published threat reports. Threat Intelligence is the analysis of data and information using tools and techniques to generate meaningful patterns on how to mitigate against potential risks associated with existing or emerging threats targeting organizations, industries, sectors or governments. Information assets and business processes that require defending. Once you find it, highlight then copy (ctrl + c ) and paste (ctrl +v ) or type, the answer into TryHackMe Answer field, then click submit. Here, I used and AbuseIPDB for getting the details of the IP. You can learn more at this TryHackMe Room:, FireEyeBlog Accessed Red Team ToolsFireEyeBlog Solarwinds malware analysisSolar Winds AdvisorySansSOC Rule Updates for IOC, Gov Security DisclosureMicrosoft BlogWiredTrustedSecSplunk SIEMBHIS Weekly Security Talk, Learner | Infosec | OSINT | Intelligence |,,,,,, Explore different OSINT tools used to conduct security threat assessments and investigations. With PhishTool analysts can easily analyze potential phishing emails. Nevertheless, I struggled with this as none of the answers I was putting seemed to be correct. Once the email has been classified, the details will appear on the Resolution tab on the analysis of the email. Sign up for an account via this link to use the tool. developed this tool to identify and detect malicious SSL connections. This breakdown helps analysts and defenders identify which stage-specific activities occurred when investigating an attack. What artefacts and indicators of compromise should you look out for?, This tab categorises all entities based on operational sectors, countries, organisations and individuals. From the rooms that have been linked on the overview, it is clear that there are numerous platforms that have been developed to tackle the juggernaut that is Threat Intelligence. Here, we get to perform the resolution of our analysis by classifying the email, setting up flagged artefacts and setting the classification codes. Decisions to be made may involve: Different organisational stakeholders will consume the intelligence in varying languages and formats. Let us start at MalwareBazaar, since we have suspected malware seems like a good place to start. What is the number of potentially affected machines? We can start with the five Ws and an H: We will see how many of these we can find out before we get to the answer section. The solution is accessible as Talos Intelligence. They also allow for common terminology, which helps in collaboration and communication. Defang the IP address. But back to the matter at hand, downloading the data, at the top of the task on the right-hand side is a blue button labeled Download Task Files. The protocol supports two sharing models: Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) is a language developed for the specification, capture, characterisation and communication of standardised cyber threat information. IT and Cybersecurity companies collect massive amounts of information that could be used for threat analysis and intelligence. Standards and frameworks provide structures to rationalise the distribution and use of threat intel across industries. Compete. What tool does APT 41 use to mine and monitor SMS traffic. In many challenges you may use Shodan to search for interesting devices. The Tiber-EU framework was developed by the European Central bank and focuses on the use of threat intelligence. Q.7: Can you find the IoCs for host-based and network-based detection of the C2? . Now that we have our intel lets check to see if we get any hits on it. The IoT (Internet of Things) has us all connected in ways which we never imagined possible and the changing technological landscape is evolving faster than policies and privacies can keep up with. The diamond model looks at intrusion analysis and tracking attack groups over time. You will get the name of the malware family here. Over time, the kill chain has been expanded using other frameworks such as ATT&CK and formulated a new Unified Kill Chain. Q.1: After reading the report what did FireEye name the APT? Now lets open up the email in our text editor of choice, for me I am using VScode. What artefacts and indicators of compromise should you look out for. TryHackMe is a free online platform for learning cyber security, using hands-on exercises and labs, all through your browser! Once you find it, highlight copy (ctrl + c) and paste (ctrl + v) or type, the answer into the TryHackMe answer field and click submit. Task 1 Room Overview This room will cover the concepts and usage of OpenCTI, an open-source threat intelligence platform. Task: Use the tools discussed throughout this room (or use your resources) to help you analyze Email3.eml and use the information to answer the questions. 163. That is why you should always check more than one place to confirm your intel. Once on the OpenCTI dashboard, look to the panel on the left. You can browse through the SSL certificates and JA3 fingerprints lists or download them to add to your deny list or threat hunting rulesets. The day-to-day usage of OpenCTI would involve navigating through different entities within the platform to understand and utilise the information for any threat analysis. Answer: Red Teamers Question 2: What is the ID for this technique? From these connections, SSL certificates used by botnet C2 servers would be identified and updated on a denylist that is provided for use. Networks. Q.5: Authorized system administrators commonly perform tasks which ultimately led to how was the malware was delivered and installed into the network. Using Ciscos Talos Intelligence platform for intel gathering. According to OpenCTI, connectors fall under the following classes: Refer to the connectors and data model documentation for more details on configuring connectors and the data schema. Don't forget to brush up on your skills before attending the interview. For example, it discusses how a Red Team would emulate C2 user traffic, ports and protocols, and listener profiles. This will split the screen in half and on the right side of the screen will be the practical side with the information needed to answer the question. Again you will have two panels in the middle of the screen, and again we will be focusing on the Details panel. Attack & Defend. Read the FireEye Blog and search around the internet for additional resources. 15 Share 1.7K views 9 months ago Walkthroughs Today we are going through the #tryhackme room called "Threat Intelligence Tools - Explore different OSINT tools used to conduct security. To mitigate against risks, we can start by trying to answer a few simple questions: Threat Intel is geared towards understanding the relationship between your operational environment and your adversary. However, let us distinguish between them to understand better how CTI comes into play. Robotics, AI, and Cyberwar are now considered a norm and there are many things you can do as an individual to protect yourself and your data (Pi-Hole, OpenDNS, GPG). In the first paragraph you will see a link that will take you to the OpenCTI login page. What is the main domain registrar listed? Learn. If we also check out Phish tool, it tells us in the header information as well. This will open the Malware section in the main part of the window on the right. We will discuss that in my next blog. At the top, we have several tabs that provide different types of intelligence resources. What is the name of the attachment on Email3.eml? With this in mind, we can break down threat intel into the following classifications: Since the answer can be found about, it wont be posted here. Once you find it, highlight then copy (ctrl + c ) and paste (ctrl +v ) or type, the answer into answer field and click the blue Check Answer button. Additionally, analysts can add their investigation notes and other external resources for knowledge enrichment. When accessing target machines you start on TryHackMe tasks, . This lab will try to walk an SOC Analyst through the steps that they would take to assist in breach mitigations and identifying important data from a Threat Intelligence report. Your first result will be Cobalt Strike, click on it. Then go to the top of the Webpage and click the blue Start AttackBox icon, the screen will split and take about a minute and a half for the VM to load. You will have a small pop-up to save you password into firefox, just click Dont Save. Open Cisco Talos and check the reputation of the file. This is the write up for the room Yara on Tryhackme and it is part of the Tryhackme Cyber Defense Path. Some notable threat reports come from Mandiant, Recorded Future and AT&TCybersecurity. Leaderboards. Go back to the VM tab, click on the URL bar. This time instead of looking at the Details panel on the right, we are going to look at the Basic Information panel on the left. We can look at the contents of the email, if we look we can see that there is an attachment. While performing threat. It is used to automate the process of browsing and crawling through websites to record activities and interactions. Task 2 Once objectives have been defined, security analysts will gather the required data to address them. Once you answer that last question, TryHackMe will give you the Flag. At the end of this alert is the name of the file, this is the answer to this quesiton. The email address that is at the end of this alert is the email address that question is asking for. The platform can use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to structure the data. What multiple languages can you find the rules? Click on it. Here, we submit our email for analysis in the stated file formats. Answer: Executive Summary section tell us the APT name :UNC2452, Q.2: FireEye released some information to help security orgranizations Blue Team to detect the tools which have been leaked. Click on the 4H RAT box. Once you find it, highlight copy(ctrl + c) and paste(ctrl +v) or type, the answer into the TryHackMe answer field and click submit. Threat intelligence is data that is collected, processed, and analyzed to understand a threat actor's motives, targets, and attack behaviors. Which country is the botnet IP address associated with according to FeodoTracker? Answer: From this GitHub link about sunburst snort rules: Once you find it, highlight copy (ctrl + c) and paste (ctrl + v) or type, the answer into the TryHackMe answer field and click submit. What is the file extension of the software which contains the delivery of the dll file mentioned earlier?Ans : msp, 6. Once you find it, highlight then copy (ctrl + c ) and paste (ctrl +v ) or type, the answer into TryHackMe Answer field, then click submit. What is the file extension of the software which contains the delivery of the dll file mentioned earlier? Blue Team: Blue team will work with their organizations Developers, Operations team, IT Operations, DevOps, and Networking to communicate important information from security disclosures, threat intelligence, blog posts, and other resources to update procedures, processes, and protocols. IoT (Internet of Things): This is now any electronic device which you may consider a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). What is the quoted domain name in the content field for this organization?Ans : (Ans is in GitHub Repository), 9. Because of that, databases have been created showing the various TTPs used by specific APTs. (format: webshell,id) Answer: P . The image below gives an architectural structure for your know-how. Rules are created based on threat intelligence research; Commands:-h: Help Menu--update: Update rules-p <path>: Path to scan I was quite surprised to learn that there was such emphasis on emulating real advanced persistent threats. Also, we see that the email is Neutral, so any intel is helpful even if it doesnt seem that way at first. When a URL is submitted, the information recorded includes the domains and IP addresses contacted, resources requested from the domains, a snapshot of the web page, technologies utilised and other metadata about the website. Analysts will do this by using commercial, private and open-source resources available. IOCs can be exported in various formats such as MISP events, Suricata IDS Ruleset, Domain Host files, DNS Response Policy Zone, JSON files and CSV files. Additionally, the author explains how manipulating host headers, POST URI, and server response headers can also be used to emulate an APT. The account at the end of this Alert is the answer to this question. Ultimately, this section of the room explains what will be covered. PhishTool has two accessible versions: Community and Enterprise. Once you find it, type it into the Answer field on TryHackMe, then click submit. As a threat intelligence analyst, the model allows you to pivot along its properties to produce a complete picture of an attack and correlate indicators. The site provides two views, the first one showing the most recent scans performed and the second one showing current live scans. Once you find it, highlight then copy (ctrl + c ) and paste (ctrl +v ) or type, the answer into answer field and click the blue Check Answer button. 5 subscribers Today we are going through the #tryhackme room called "Threat Intelligence Tools - Explore different OSINT tools used to conduct security threat assessments and. URL scan results provide ample information, with the following key areas being essential to look at: You have been tasked to perform a scan on TryHackMes domain. APTs and threat groups are listed under this category on the platform due to their known pattern of actions. Once you are on the site, click the search tab on the right side. To better understand this, we will analyse a simplified engagement example. Look at the Alert above the one from the previous question, it will say File download inititiated. Our SOC Level 1 training path covers a wide array of tools and real-life analysis scenarios relevant to a SOC Analyst position. From Talos Intelligence, the attached file can also be identified by the Detection Alias that starts with an H, Go to attachments and copy the SHA-256 hash. Give the machine 5 minutes to start up and it is advisable to use the AttackBox on fullscreen. All the things we have discussed come together when mapping out an adversary based on threat intel. This will open the File Explorer to the Downloads folder. Threat intel feeds (Commercial & Open-source). Threat Intelligence (TI) or Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is the information, or TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures), attributed to an adversary, commonly used by defenders to aid in detection measures. 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