friendship island chile

by on April 8, 2023

[8] However, in an expedition ordered by Pedro de Valdivia, captain Francisco de Ulloa reached the Chacao Channel in 1553 and explored the islands forming the archipelago, and is thus considered the first European discoverer of Chilo. They show how a possible, The case of the glowing humanoids of Tenerife is one of the most intriguing events in Spanish history. POSTCARD GG13 at the best online prices at eBay! That is what can be deduced by reading the transcript of the communications. Ernesto de la Fuente, quien mantuvo vivo el mito por dcadas, falleci en noviembre de 2019. La Isla Friendship es una leyenda urbana sobre una supuesta isla localizada en el sur de Chile, en la Regin de Aysn. The short trip was aboard a ship called the Mytilus II captained by an enigmatic man known only as Alberto. The island has come to be known as Friendship Island. Though it has never been officially discovered or recognized by any government, theres no shortage of Chilean locals claiming to have set foot there. A la espera de que a alguien ms se le aparezca, esto se sabe: Viva en una pequea pieza de aproximadamente tres por tres metros, con una cama, una mesita con un terminal de computador y una ventana al exterior. coleman stove flexible regulator; ABOUT US. I dont remember having seen a clinic or hospital, he concluded. In the measure that the sun went down, Rodrguez noticed the presence of a darker sphere. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Was the Friendship controlling that flying saucer? San Martn 1049 (5500), Mendoza, Argentina. The monument is the only known shared breeding site for Humboldt and Magellanic penguins. Su cabello era rubio oscuro, con ojos claros y su piel algo tostada. Were those objects UFO's? In these real conversations, other Chilean radio amateurs participated, as well as some guests from other parts of the world. The first contact occurred in 1985, when Octavio Ruiza radio amateur, was connected by someone who identified himself as Miguelalso spoke with two who called themselves Ariel and raphael. For more than two decades there has been speculation about the existence of the famous Friendship Island, however, until now there is still no certainty of its possible location, nor of the truthfulness of the contacts with the inhabitants of the friendship island. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 1 ene 2023 a las 17:37. In 1983 claimed to have made contact with the inhabitants who lived on that island in the south. 1 2 3 4 No se ha encontrado ninguna prueba de su existencia. Incluso a nosotros; nos invitaron a subir al yate varias veces, pero yo tuve miedo. 22nd Ave Pompano Beach, Fl. Over the course of a year, Alberto and Octavio would have frequent discussions about life in the disquieting island and its mysterious occupants over their ham radios. Menciona que su ubicacin est cercana a Isla Chonos en las coordenadas 45120.88S 741016.18W. Durante el tiempo en que pudo permanecer en la isla, De la Fuente asegur haber dormido en una pequea pieza de aproximadamente 3 metros cuadrados. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Easter Island, Chile. It is among the worlds most remote inhabited islands and is a paradise for archaeology enthusiasts due to the many monolithic statues (Moai) left by its ancient inhabitants. For more than two decades there has been speculation about the existence of the famous Friendship Island, however, until now there is still no certainty of its possible location, nor of the truthfulness of the contacts with the inhabitants of the friendship island. Horscopo semanal, del 25 al 31 de julio: Tiempo de pensar en nuestros prximos objetivos, Yolanda Sultana vaticina un desastre Si yo tuviera plata me ira de Chile, Horscopo semanal, del 18 al 24 de julio: El amor marcar a varios signos. Domicilio legal: Av. "They do not form part of any project of the Australian weather bureauthe endurance of these balloons is not sufficient to allow them to fly as far as Chile." It does not store any personal data. [1], Diversas personas la han identificado con la isla Kent, en Aysn, debido a que parte de ella se sumerge con la marea. Ms tarde (l sabra) que se trataba de miembros de una congregacin llamada Friendship. Por otro lado, un equipo electrgeno de ese tamao, por mucho que se le asle, suena y vibra. The Mysterious Inhabitants Of Friendship Island: Extraterrestrials in Chile? [11], Durante el Fenmeno de 2012 diversos creyentes de la nueva era y diversas pseudociencias pretendieron organizar expediciones a la zona, todas sin xito. Web715-698-2488. Copyright 2023 Dimensin Alterna. The case is based on alleged radio communications between some people with inhabitants of an unknown island located in southern Chile in the 80s. Lo que convierte a la isla Friendship en una fuente de misterios para el resto del mundo es que no se conoce con certeza cul es su ubicacin.Sin embargo algunos investigadores han sugerido sus supuestas coordenadas: 45120.88S 741016.18W. Y pueden estar equivocadas. Even stranger are the numerous claims of supernatural healings having taken place there.There are many theories as to exactly who the members of Friendship actually were. Even they invited us, several times, I was afraid. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The temperature was constant and around 20 C, which for me was a luxury, after the cold that I was used to suffering in Chile. Web715-698-2488. No recuerdo haber visto una clnica u hospital, cont de La Fuente. As the official report (to which I had access) indicates, at 15:40 LMT, radar picked up an unidentified object located 20 nautical miles to the west of the El Tabn beacon and moving slowly toward the west. Hace varios aos, en la regin surea de Aysn en Chile persiste la idea de la existencia de una misteriosa isla llamada Friendship. With an area of 8,394 square kilometres (3,241sqmi), Chilo Island is the second largest island in Chile (after the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego), the largest island completely within Chile, and the fourth largest in South America. Crisis hdrica en Mendoza. Almost everything was governed by computers, which was not very common in those days of 1989, there was a heated pool, three large greenhouses, lounges with satellite television and other amenities that I would never have imagined. In none of them was it possible to reach the given coordinates. Uno de los protagonistas ms polmicos de esta historia fue Ernesto de la Fuente, ingeniero civil mecnico de la Universidad de Concepcin, que en 1983 asegur haber tomado contacto con los habitantes que vivan en esa isla en el sur de Chile. Pese a ello el tema sigue ms vigente que nunca. A while went by without the skipper of the Milius II taking to the air, but when he reappeared, he introduced Octavio and his family to Ariel, one of the island's quizzical occupants, who clearly possessed an amazing grasp of medicine, architecture and communications. The original peoples navigated the treacherous waters of the Chilo Archipelago in boats called dalcas with skill that impressed the Spaniards.[7]. 3.84K subscribers. According to Ruiz, these people had great knowledge and a foreign accent. In 2013, a small airstrip was opened at the south tip of the island, allowing local flight access to the remote village of Ino. Thousands of citizens were made aware of the object's presence. POSTCARD GG13 at the best online prices at eBay! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I believe that we are not alone and have never been alone. No obstante, yhasta el momento, nadie fue capaz de encontrar esta isla que, segn cuentan los radioaficionados, aparece y desaparece de las imgenes satelitales sin dejar rastros. Once this became news in Chile, the media was all over it, and Ernesto and my G-Aunt had to move up north to a really really small town to avoid people begging for information about where the island was. Horscopo semanal, del 29 de agosto al 4 de septiembre: Momento de canalizar la energa creativamente. Desde los aos 80 existe una leyenda que habla de una isla que aparece solo en presencia de unos elegidos y que est dirigida por seres extraterrestres. ), FRIENDSHIP es una misteriosa isla del archipilago de las Guaitecas (Chile) que no est en el mapa pero, que la gente al sur de Chilo conoce por rumores que la vinculan a sanaciones milagrosas, 66th Festival de Cannes court mtrage _ Short Film Corner, Cannes, France ( 2012 ) *, I was here and Everyone is here Museo de Arte Contemporneo MAC, Santiago, Chile ( 2012 ) *, Videoart at Midnight #67: Shingo Yoshida BABYLON, Berlin ( 2015 ), Backdrop Atlas online Project ( 2015 ). I had absolute freedom of movement within the facilities, which were comfortable and functional, said the man. WebIn this video well discuss an alien-human contact case which allegedly occurred in Chile. Mountains run north and south along the spine of the island. 23 S.E. [16], Dadas las caractersticas fsicas de los habitantes de la isla, los uflogos alegan que corresponden a extraterrestres nrdicos. The city of Castro was founded in 1567. La temperatura era constante y de aproximadamente 20C , lo que para m era un lujo, despus de los fros que estaba acostumbrado a sufrir en Chilo. WebSoporte Real 24/7/365 Servicio Post Venta en Espaol, Hablamos tu Idioma! Fundado el 20 de octubre de 1883 por el Dr. Adolfo Calle. Despite its remoteness on the map, the island is easily accessible by local [11], Durante la dcada de 1980 diversos radioaficionados de Chile afirmaron mantener contacto con un grupo perteneciente a una congregacin religiosa extranjera, asentados en una de las islas del Archipilago de Chilo. Lavidente y tarotista Yolanda Sultana, ms conocida como ta Yoli, dio su nefasto vaticinio para nuestro pas a travs de sus redes sociales donde ya es habitual verla. Cristina went out to the patio of their farm in La Florida and looked heavenward. Ecotourism in the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest. friendship habitada misteriosa extraterrestres chile desconocido contactando Mostly cloudy skies. In fact, the phenomenon was witnessed in Argentina, as shown by newspaper clippings of the time. [4][7][14], Segn los relatos de los supuestos visitantes, la isla Friendship se encontrara en la Regin de Aysn, entre el archipilago de los Chonos y el de las Guaitecas. Quiz1da6 feeTha5e eiKi2roo Quaix4ma DeeXah6k See1ceaw oo3faeQu loTh3boo, chee9Phi Tie7queo othe4Ka0 Ooku4aiS yahX5kee aid6XeuS ahch0Bah eeJie9ax, Mickey, Steve, Leo, Dwayne & Too illustrated by Paddy Boehm, . By 1767 there were already 79 and today more than 150 wooden churches built in traditional style can be found on the islands, many of these declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Might they have been balloons? Researcher Diego Ziga summarized the incident in an article Did Aliens From Friendship Island Warn Of The In that original article, I detailed the essentials on how the story of the Friendship Island affair began, which presents most of the story's key players: It was 1984, someplace near the Southern coast of Chile, and a mysterious distress signal had just buzzed across the receiver of ham radio operator Octavio Ortiz. coleman stove flexible regulator; ABOUT US. Ernest of the Source, one of the residents, affirmed that he had been invited to the island and that they cured a terminal illness that he suffered. He was cured of a terminal cancer that he suffered. Later he came to know that they were members of an Island called Friendship Island. misteriosa Eventually, he claimed to have not only met members of Friendship in person, but to have also been to the Island they inhabited. It requires a strenuous eight-hour climb with crampons and ice picks, but the views from the top are so worth it. The point indicated as the location of Friendship Island is between the Chonos and Guaitecas archipelago, in southern Chile. The first contact occurred in 1985, after the cold that I was used to suffering in Chile. Members of Friendship told De la Fuente that they were the inhabitants of a small Island somewhere in the Chacao Channel of southern Chile. A critical and popular success, Lost garnered an average of 16 million viewers per episode on ABC during its first year, and won numerous industry awards including the, , the show has become a staple of American. The country has 43,471 islands, according to the Chilean Ministry of National Assets and the Chilean Military Geographical Institute, in the last update at 2019. [5] Junto al Caso Cabo Valds es uno de los eventos ufolgicos ms famosos de Chile,[6][2][7][8] pese a que originalmente la historia de la isla Friendship no tena ninguna relacin con aliengenas. The place is supposedly inhabited by superior beings. From 1895, lands were given to European settlers and also to large manufacturing industries. When the story of the so-called Friendship Island Case was first published, a wave of speculation and theories began to circulate. El nico que se anim a visitar la isla fue Ernesto de la Fuente, quien describi a sus habitantes como hombres caucsicos y de ojos azules, de entre 35 y 55 aos de edad. The show is produced by, and Grass Skirt Productions and airs on the. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Muy interesante, quisiera contactar con ellos o con cualquier extraterrestre, estoy muy convencido q no son malos, de serlo ya nos hubiesen destruido, con tanta tecnologa. [6], Isla Friendship se queda sin su mayor leyenda: Falleci hombre que fue sanado en el mtico lugar, Isla de Friendship: extraterrestres en el sur de Chile, La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ovnis o farsa? Todo empez cuando, en los aos 80, unos radioaficionados en el extremo sur de Chile empezaron a recibir mensajes de unas personas cultas, que posean mucha informacin y que podan saber las cosas que hacan los radioescuchas sin poder verlos. Patricio Baados nos cuenta sobre la comunidad que podra habitar la isla y sus enigmas. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The Chilean Central Valley lies between the coastal mountains and the Andes, of which the Gulfs of Ancud and Corcovado form the southern extension. WebThis is a list of islands of Chile, as listed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Country Files (GNS). and the cost of filming in Hawaii, the series is one of the most expensive on television. Friendship Breezes is a two-bedroom, two-bath villa complete with pool and all modern amenities. The manual,an old radio and his video camera would be the only means to establish contacts and collect information, Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? [1][14] En el interior de la isla existira adems una mina de metales raros, cuya produccin permitira solventar los gastos de la comunidad religiosa. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. * Su labor consisti en recibir a familias y personas que eran invitadas a la isla. With the construction of the railroad between Ancud and Castro in 1912, the occupation of inland zones was completed. Si quieres profundizar ms en el tema podrs hacerlo aqu donde encontrars el reportaje realizado por TVN en aquella poca y que fue retransmitido por el canal Infinito. High 73F. coleman stove flexible regulator; ABOUT US. * Las islas del sur de Chile esconden grandes misterios. Chile is a country in South America. According to veteran researcher Hugo Pacheco, the Friendship carefully selects its contacts and after a trial period, invites them to their mysterious island and readies them to travel to another planet. Si el artculo te gust, comprtela con tus amigos. Each episode typically features a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline from another point in a character's life. La isla Friendship no es posible de establecer en un mapa tradicional, lo que genera reacciones dispares entre escpticos -hartos de que se mantenga semejante idea- y aquellos que aman lo extrao. Extraterrestrials in Chile. Te invito a ingresar a nuestro grupo en FB: El MISTERIO de la Isla FRIENDSHIP, SERES NRDICOS EN LA PATAGONIA CHILENA. The second object was opaque and appeared to follow the same trajectory as the first, heading toward the mountains. While the western shores are rocky and relatively straight, the eastern and northern shores contain many inlets, bays and peninsulas, and it is here where all towns and cities lie. Categories: coastline, locality and landform. The protagonists of the story, the Ortiz family, for years maintained contact with mysterious characters with an accent gringo. Recuerdo haber escuchado de sta Isla por primera vez en 1997, en aquella poca poco se saba de ella, lo curioso fue quin me la mencion, ya que fue justamente en Chilo. Opening on Friday 7 of September in MAC Quinta Normal (Santiago, Chile) at 19:30 hrs. [15], On December 10, 2021, a wildfire spread across Chiloe, including the city of Castro, to burning houses, churches and schools, causing many residents to evacuate..[16], In late 2012, LAN Airlines became the first airline to offer flights to Chilo Island, inaugurating a regular service between Puerto Montt and the airport of Mocopulli, Dalcahue. The excitement caused by the sighting was such that on the following day, Aeronutica's director, Sergio Pieiro, ordered Rodrguez to begin an investigation. Once a colony of Spain, this beautiful country has FRIENDSHIP PARK. . Todo era controlado a travs de procesadores de computacin: Haba una piscina temperada, tres grandes invernaderos, salones con televisin satelital y otras comodidades que yo jams me hubiera imaginado. La ya famosa Isla supuestamente est habitada por hombres, mujeres y hasta nios de diversas etnias, pero que han sido invitados por poseer un cdigo gentico especial. Los tres viajaran en la embarcacin llamada Mytilus II. Cuando recorra el Parque Nacional de Cucao encontramos un hombre de aspecto ermitao, pero de mirada profunda, fue l quien nos mencion de su presencia, pero para ser franca jams le dimos importancia. Web2K views 4 years ago. It is found in the Pacific Ocean in Northern Patagonia, about 1200 km south of Santiago de Chile. Robinson Crusoe Island, Valparaso Source: Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Richard N Horne used under CC BY-SA 4.0 Robinson Crusoe Island gives a nostalgic overview of Daniel Defoes masterpiece Robin Crusoe and is a great place to visit. Volcano Villarica, Panguipulli, Los Ros Region, Chile. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Patricio Baados nos cuenta sobre la comunidad que podra habitar la isla Friendship, nrdicos. 1049 ( 5500 ), Mendoza, Argentina, a wave of speculation and began. * las islas del sur de Chile esconden grandes misterios nuestro grupo en FB: el MISTERIO de isla. 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